Kelly Richards, PhD, Jodi Death, PhD, & Kieran McCartan, PhD
community integration of people convicted of a sexual offence is a challenge,
as they are often not welcomed back into the community, not supported, find
themselves socially and emotionally isolated as well as often being perceived
as a constant threat of re-offending. This is problematic as these approaches
often increase the individual’s risk of re-offending, rather than reduce it.
Research shows that social inclusion and pro-social modelling helps desistence
from future offending, including offending sexually.
We recently undertook
research (Major
report: Research
to Policy and Practice report: Fact
sheet on CoSA)on two community-based approaches to the integration
of people convicted of a sexual offence back into the community. The research
focused on Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) in Adelaide, South
Australia, and the Cultural Mentoring Program (CMP) in Townsville, Queensland.
The research was funded by Australia’s
National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and was
conducted in partnership with the Offenders’
Aid and Rehabilitation Service of South Australia, Queensland Corrective Services and the Bravehearts Foundation.
CoSA are groups of trained volunteers who support
people convicted of sexual offending (known as “core members”) as they leave
prison and re-join the community, with the aim of preventing sexual
re-offending. The research involved semi-structured interviews with current or previous
core members (n=3), staff who have played a role in
developing, delivering or managing the CoSA program (n=5), a range of
government, non-government and private stakeholders who work in tandem with
either the CoSA program (n=3) and volunteers involved in the CoSA program (n=7). CoSA were
shown to help participants build new identities as non-offenders, while holding
participants accountable through the development of life goals, participating
in treatment, accessing community and support groups, reconnecting in healthy
ways with family members and taking up volunteering opportunities that
supported the development of pro-social identities. Additionally, CoSA helped
reduce risks of re-offending by holding core members to account for their
behaviour by: (1) challenging core members’ attitudes supportive of violence against
women and children; (2) reporting core members to the relevant authority in
circumstances in which the core member has breached their conditions of release
and/or is engaging in problematic behaviours; and (3) supporting core members
to adhere to the conditions of their release both practically and emotionally.
However, the research indicates that there are challenges for CoSA, including
gaps in volunteer skills (i.e., understanding technology, being able to clearly
identify re-offending behaviour and understanding core members’ release
conditions), and the use of criminal justice professionals as volunteers, which
lead to a tension emerged around the need to clarify the roles of paid staff
and volunteers. The findings on the first CoSA program in Australia reflect previous
research from CoSA programs internationally (i.e. Canada, UK, USA, Netherlands,
Catalonia, Belgium and New Zealand), therefore reinforcing and validating the
The CMP works with released Aboriginal and/or Torres
Strait Islander men convicted of sexual offending and seeks to connect them
with traditional cultural practice and knowledge. The research involved semi-structured
interviews with current or previous participants in the CMP (n=14
interviews with 11 individuals; i.e. three individuals opted to be interviewed
twice), staff who have played a role in developing, delivering or managing CMP
(n=6) and a range of government, non-government and private stakeholders who
work in tandem with CMP (n=12). The research found that the program helped the men to
build strong and positive non-offending cultural identities with a focus on
connections with family, culture and Country. The CMP
manages risk through minimising risk focused on mitigating and managing the
emotional distress and life stressors that participants commonly experience
(such as anger and frustration relating to the imposed conditions of release),
in order to minimise the risk that participants may pose to the community. The
CMP also encourages and helps participants to meet the conditions of their
orders as well as fostering honest and trustworthy behaviour in a broader
sense. CMP participants experienced additional barriers to successful
reintegration. Most participants were from remote communities and had little
experience outside of their home communities. In the CMP, some participants saw
developing respect for women as a strength of the program; however, others
expressed views that gave women responsibility for the violence committed
against them. This study confirmed findings from previous research that
highlighted the importance of addressing gender equality as a fundamental tenet
of perpetrator intervention programs.
The research team also conducted a study into
victim/survivors’ views about the reintegration of people who
have sexually offended, this part of the study comprised of semi-structured
interviews with 33 victims/survivors.While
victim/survivors’ views were diverse, in the main they supported programs such
as CoSA, particularly on the grounds that such an approach could prevent future
The ANROWS research highlights the importance of
pro-social community engagement in the integration of people convicted of a
sexual offence back into the community. Sexual abuse is an individual and
community issue and therefore needs individual and community responses. The
striking outcome of the research is not that CoSA or CMP work in their
contexts, but rather that victim/survivors of sexual abuse were largely
sympathetic towards these programs and that they view social inclusion as an
effective way of preventing future sexual offending.
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