“Desistance” refers to the slowing down, de-escalation, or
stopping of offending. Although the term is relatively new to those who study
sexual aggression, the phenomenon has been a staple of criminological research
for two centuries (Laws & Ward, 2011). The observation of “natural
desistance” or aging out (when one stops committing crime as they get older) is
a key component of the criminal career paradigm. Some researchers, in fact,
argue that no variable (e.g. race, gender, marital status, employability,
educational achievement, parenthood, psychological treatment, or therapy)
either combined or alone, accounts for the decline in crime better, or more
completely than does age.
One reason why desistance is such a new concept for people
who have committed sexual offenses is the enduring assumption of inevitable
recidivism (Willis, Levenson & Ward, 2010). There is a persistent belief
among many practitioners, policymakers, and members of the public that sex
offenders seldom if ever stop and that when they are released from custody,
recidivism (or “failure”) is the expected result.
The fact that many men convicted of sexual offenses share
more similarities than differences with generic, nonsexual criminals has been
the subject of much recent research (Harris, Smallbone, Dennison, & Knight,
2009; Lussier, 2005). Studies consistently find that rapists (more so than
child molesters) tend to have persistent and versatile criminal histories and
tend not to “specialize” in sexual
offending. The empirical reality that sex offenders and non-sex offenders are
inherently similar leads to the logical hypothesis that we can also expect them
to desist in a similar fashion.
The most well regarded theories of desistance (in addition
to “aging out”) emphasize either the pursuit and achievement of informal social
controls (i.e. fulfilling employment and a stable relationship) (Sampson &
Laub, 1993) or cognitive transformation (Giordano, Cernkovich & Rudolph,
2002) where the individual consciously decides to change their behaviour,
begins to see alternatives to a criminal lifestyle, and can rewrite their
narrative in such a way that they can leave that life behind, ‘knife off,’
(Maruna, 2001) and become someone new.
Emerging research on sex offender samples (Farmer, Beech
& Ward, 2011; Harris, 2014, In Press) so far concludes that, as a population,
recidivism rates are fairly low and
desistance is the modal outcome, but they
appear to be desisting in spite of a
range of obstacles that generic offenders do not experience. The realities for
a sex offender living in the community post release (especially in the US)
severely limit one’s ability to find stable, paid employment and pursue a
fulfilling relationship, let alone find safe, affordable accommodation.
Furthermore, the debilitating stigma that comes with the label of “sex
offender” means that the achievement of a new identity and successful cognitive
transformation is especially difficult.
Our mutual objective is the prevention of sexual abuse and
the ultimate reintegration of those convicted of such offenses. Our emphasis
should therefore be placed on repealing the especially stigmatizing legislation
that does little to foster rehabilitation and instead promoting opportunities
that encourage identity transformation, the pursuit of informal social
controls, and the realisation of good lives.
Danielle Arlanda
Harris, PhD
Farmer, M., Beech, A., & Ward, T. (2011). Assessing
desistance in child molesters: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Interpersonal
Violence, 1-21.
Giordano, P., Cernkovich, S., & Rudolph, J. (2002).
Gender, Crime, and Desistance: Toward a theory of cognitive transformation,
American Journal of Sociology, 107(4), 990-1064.
Harris, D. A. (2014). Desistance from sexual offending:
Findings from 21 life history narratives. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
29(9) 1554-1578. DOI: 10.1177/0886260513511532
Harris, D. A. (in press) Theories of desistance from sexual
offending in Ward, T., Polaschek, D., & Beech, A. (Eds.), Theories of
sexual offending, 2nd ed., Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
Harris, D. A., Smallbone, S., Dennison, S., & Knight, R.
A. (2009). Offense specialization and versatility in the criminal histories of
adult male sexual offenders referred for civil commitment. Journal of Criminal
Justice. 37, 37-44.
Laws, R. & Ward, T. (2011). Desistance from sex
offending: Alternatives to throwing away the keys. New York: The Guildford
Lussier, P. (2005). The criminal activity of sexual
offenders in adulthood: Revisiting the specialization debate. Sexual Abuse: A
Journal of Research and Treatment 17(3), 269-292.
Maruna, S. (2001). Making good: How ex-convicts reform and
rebuild their lives, Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Sampson, R., & Laub, J. (1993). Crime in the making:
Pathways and turning points through life. London: Harvard University Press.
Willis, G., Levenson, J. & Ward, T. (2010). Desistance
and attitudes towards sex offenders: facilitation or hindrance? Journal of
Family Violence, 25, 545-556.
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