S., Proulx, J., & Hanson, K. (2017). Three Central Dimensions of Sexual
Recidivism Risk: Understanding the Latent Constructs of Static-99R and
Static-2002R. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research
& Treatment. Online First.
The most commonly used risk
assessment tools for predicting sexual violence focus almost exclusively on
static, historical factors. Consequently, they are assumed to be unable to directly
inform the selection of treatment targets, or evaluate change. However,
researchers using latent variable models have identified three dimensions in
static actuarial scales for sexual offenders: Sexual Criminality, General
Criminality, and a third dimension centered on young age and aggression to
strangers. In the current study, we examined the convergent and predictive
validity of these dimensions, using psychological features of the offender
(e.g., antisocial traits, hypersexuality) and recidivism outcomes. Results
indicated that (a) Sexual Criminality was related to dysregulation of sexuality
toward atypical objects, without intent to harm; (b) General Criminality was
related to antisocial traits; and (c) Youthful Stranger Aggression was related
to a clear intent to harm the victim. All three dimensions predicted sexual
recidivism, although only General Criminality and Youthful Stranger Aggression
predicted nonsexual recidivism. These results indicate that risk tools for
sexual violence are multidimensional, and support a shift from an exclusive
focus on total scores to consideration of subscales measuring psychologically
meaningful constructs.
you talk us through where the idea for the research came from?
In French/European countries,
professionals tend to be lukewarm towards structured risk assessment. As a
native French speaker, I often became involved in debates about the pros and
cons of actuarial assessment. By participating in these debates, I became
cognizant of the conceptual limitations of this approach. Although many criticisms
were warranted (e.g., limited predictive accuracy), one always “struck a nerve”
with me: that risk factors are clinically meaningless statistical entities that
do not enable a true comprehension of the offender.
Since the dawn of psychology,
observable behaviors have been used to infer personality traits (or dynamics of
the unconscious mind). In this context, why would risk factors, i.e., measures
of criminogenic behaviors, be any different? Although risk factors are first
and foremost statistical correlates of recidivism, they are also windows into
the psychological and sociological mechanisms that lead individuals to commit
crimes. This latent trait approach has been described in the works of Beech and
Ward (2004) and Mann, Hanson, and Thornton (2010). Their theoretical frameworks
for sexual offender risk assessment illustrated how to integrate static,
stable, and acute risk factors in etiological models of risk that have far more
clinical resonance than “dry” risk scales. Luckily for me, nobody had (yet)
thought to empirically test these models. Thus, it became the overarching goal
of my doctoral thesis.
At the start of my Ph.D., I had
the luck of being put in touch with R. Karl Hanson and his research team (Kelly
M. Babchishin, Maaike Helmus) by my director, Jean Proulx. It turned out that
Karl had a project quite similar to mine; he wanted to explore the latent
psychological constructs underlying the items in sexual offender risk scales.
The goal was to shift practice from the assessment of unidimensional and
“atheoretical” risk scores to the assessment of multiple risk-relevant
psychological propensities. These constructs could then be combined in specific
ways depending on the outcome of interest. In a way, we were exploring the
building blocks of risk rather than its finite structure.
This lead to our factor analysis
of the Static-99R and Static-2002R items (Brouillette-Alarie, Babchishin,
Hanson, & Helmus, 2016). We quickly realized that the literature on this
topic was substantive; we found 13+ studies on the factor structure of the
Static-99/2002/R. Most studies obtained a solution of 3 factors (ours
included): sexual criminality, general criminality, and a third factor related
to age and victim characteristics. Unfortunately, none of the studies had
conducted any convergent validity analyses. They interpreted the factors by
looking at the items constituting each construct. Although this was a good
start, we thought that more empirically grounded interpretations were
necessary. This led us to the current paper.
kinds of challenges did you face throughout the process?
Doing convergent validity
analyses was, in fact, the easy part. The hard part was coming up with the
factor structure in the first place (in Brouillette-Alarie et al., 2016). Jean
Proulx and I started the factor analysis project in the spring of 2011, as part
of my master’s thesis. Then, we involved Karl’s team, who gave us access to
worldwide validation studies of the Static-99. They also (rightfully) told us
that our factor analytic procedures were outdated and that we needed to redo
everything from scratch (a common occurrence according to Maaike!). We
dutifully did so, which led to our 2016 paper.
What do
you believe to be the main things that you have learnt about the nature of the
risk dimensions of the Static-99R and Static-2002R?
First, we learnt that sexual
deviance is not a cohesive whole. Variables concerning sexual criminality clustered
in two negatively correlated factors: Persistence/Paraphilia and Youthful
Stranger Aggression. These factors were associated with different ends of the agonistic
continuum (Knight, Sims-Knight, & Guay, 2013). Persistence/Paraphilia was
characterized by modus operandi devoid of physical coercion and intent to harm,
while Youthful Stranger Aggression was associated with sexual sadism and hostility.
Furthermore, these two dimensions did not predict the same types of recidivism:
the former was exclusively related to sexual recidivism, while the latter was
predictive of all types of recidivism (like General Criminality). Without
surprise, Persistence/Paraphilia was more common in sexual aggressors of
children, and Youthful Stranger Aggression was more common in sexual aggressors
of women. In sum, our results encourage researchers and evaluators to clearly differentiate
between pedophilic and sadistic tendencies, as they refer to substantially
different constructs. More often than not, they will not characterize the same
offenders. In some rare cases (e.g., sadistic pedophiles), they will
nevertheless converge into a very high level of sexual recidivism risk.
Second, we found a strong
General Criminality factor that naturally converged with
antisocial/psychopathic traits and domains of the Level of Service/Case
Management Inventory (LS/CMI; Andrews, Bonta, & Wormith, 2004). This
confirms that sexual recidivism risk comprises a general deviance dimension
that is common to sexual and nonsexual offenders. The generality of criminal
behavior in sexual offenders has already been highlighted by numerous authors
(e.g., Lussier, LeBlanc, & Proulx, 2005).
that you’ve published the article, what are some implications for
Although it is not yet ready to
be implemented in forensic practice, we hope that sexual offender risk scales (and
those scoring them) will adopt dimensional scores in addition to total scores. Sexual
recidivism risk is unanimously considered to be multidimensional, and our
current risk tools do not convincingly reflect that. It is more clinically
relevant to conceptualize risk as the interaction between psychological
constructs and the social environment than the sum of discrete correlates. Our
research program tries to bridge the gap between those two perspectives.
I know most subscribers to the list do not seem to appreciate the MSI-II because (most believe)that it implies the explicit pathway model inherently, which is not true, but any way the MSI-II has had these two factors built into the MSI-II for about 25 years (MSI-II versus MSI) in the form of Pedophilic Tendencies (Molester Comparison scale prime ' and the not prime) and the rapist comparison scale. If the alleged offender endorses a number of items on either of these scales they are considered to have attitudes, behaviors and cognitions consistent with what ever factor they endorsed. No one to my knowledge has assessed the predictive characteristic of these scales but there is comparisons as to admittors versus non-admittors. Food for thought related to additional research. Steve Gray Psychologist AZ
ReplyDeleteI liked Steve Gray's response to the blog... thanks Steve, and concur. I, too, like the MSI-II and find it of practical use. I enjoyed the blog itself, and appreciated Sebastian's deeper conceptualization of the structure and use of actuarial assessment. Nicely done.