may be interested in de Vries Robbé, Mann, Maruna, and Thornton’s (2014) recent
article, "An exploration of protective factors supporting desistance from
sexual offending," currently published in the online first section of Sexual Abuse: A Journal Research and
Treatment (SAJRT). This is actually one of a series of articles written by
de Vries Robbé and various colleagues, but possibly the first in the “series”
that specifically focuses on the role of protective factors in work with sexual
offenders. In fact, Thornton (one of de Vries Robbé’s co-authors in this case) published
an article last year (2013) discussing the implications of a model that
recognizes both risk and protective factors in the treatment of adult sexual
offenders, asking how treatment tasks might be revised “in light of this new
knowledge” (p. 62). Similarly, focusing on the idea of “new knowledge,” Worling
and Langton (2014) write that research into protective factors for sexually
abusive youth is only in its earliest stages. Actually, Spice and colleagues
(2012) might have been the first to point to the complete lack of research into
the subject of protective factors, at least with respect to sexually abusive
youth, and van der Put and Asscher (2014) are among the
first to correct this situation in their study, examining the nature and effect
of protective factors in the behavior of sexually abusive youth.
addition of a literature that addresses and incorporates ideas about protective
factors, and not just risk factors, in sexual offender assessment is welcome, a
topic area to be further addressed in a forthcoming special theme issue of SAJRT.
But, it seems important to add that although relatively new to sexual offender
risk assessment, the idea is not especially new (and really not even that new
to sexual offender assessment and treatment, at least not for those practitioners
who work with sexually abusive youth). Although it may be accurate to say our
empirical and theoretical examination of protective factors is new, the existence
and function of protective factors in assessing risk is certainly not “new
knowledge,” as Thornton described it. Rich (2003) wrote about protective
factors over a decade ago, and in additional detail in 2009 and 2011. Furthermore,
protective factors have been built into several juvenile risk assessment
instruments since around 2001 with the introduction of the AIM assessment
protocol, used in the UK, and further developed in the AIM2, revised in 2007.
Similarly, the SAVRY, a general (non-sexual) adolescent risk instrument in use for
over a decade, has included a table of protective factors since the instrument
was released in 2002. The J-RAT, a juvenile sexual risk instrument in use since
about 2000, has included a protective factor scales since 2012, as does the MEGA,
a more recently introduced juvenile sexual risk instrument. Although neither
are widely used, Bremer's Protective Factors Scale (1998, 2006) and Gilgun's
(1999) Clinical Assessment Package for Client Risk and Strengths offer additional
examples of instruments built around the presence of and designed to assess protective
factors, both of which have been around for a number of years. In the world of
adult sexual risk assessment, the ARMIDILO-S, designed for use in the
assessment of intellectually disabled adults, has included an assessment of protective
factors since its inception in 2004, as does the currently in-development youth
version of the instrument.
what point is being made here? Just that the recent and happily expanding
attention being paid to protective factors in our literature neither represents
new knowledge nor recent innovation in the field of risk assessment or
treatment. Jessor and colleagues discussed protective factors in
understanding troubled adolescent behavior back in 1995, and in 2003 Rutter
wrote of the obvious need to pay attention to protective factors, as well as
risk factors. Going back a few years earlier still, in their exploration of
resiliency among troubled and high-risk children Werner and Smith wrote about
protective factors and relationships in 1992. This protective factors, or strength-based,
approach to assessment and treatment recognizes that there is more to risk than
risk alone, and more to treatment than simply containing risk. Instead, it tells
us that we must recognize and assess factors that not only protect against risk,
but also increase the likelihood of desistance from continued problem
behaviors. It is gratifying to see increasing attention being paid to the
presence and nature of protective factors and the mechanisms by which they
harness or increase resiliency, but it is also oddly disturbing that we seem to
have only recently "discovered" ideas that have actually been there all
along, even within our own field. These are not new ideas; we just seem to have
not "noticed" them before, or been too busy looking at other things
to notice them, or perhaps simply unaware of the larger mental health field and
the field of human development around us. It is possible that this has
something to do with the formerly very narrow field of vision that has
permeated and perhaps defined sexual offender treatment, and especially the
treatment of adult sexual offenders.
increasing awareness of protective factors, and an increasing prominence in our
research, is welcome. However, protective factors have been there all along;
they have already been “discovered.” The
current task involves, not discovery, but better understanding protective
factors, empirically and in clinical practice, including not only what we
should count as protective factors, but also how they work and, importantly,
how they interact with one another and how they interact with risk factors. It
is this focus that most represents the area of new knowledge – not the
discovery of protective factors, but instead how they work, and under what
Bremer, J. F. (1998). Challenges in the
assessment and treatment of sexually abusive adolescents. The Irish
Journal of Psychology, 19, 82-92. doi: 10.1080/03033910.1998.10558172
Bremer, J. (2006). Protective Factors Scale: Determining the
level of intervention for youth with harmful sexual behavior. In D. S. Prescott
(Ed.). Risk assessment of youth who have sexually abused (pp 195-221).
Oklahoma City, OK: Wood & Barnes.
de Vries Robbé,
M., Mann, R. E., Maruna, S., & Thornton, D. (2014). An exploration of
protective factors supporting desistance from sexual offending. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and
Treatment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1079063214547582
Gilgun, J. F. (1999). CASPARS: Clinical
assessment instruments that measure strengths and weaknesses in children and
families. In M. C. Calder (Ed.), Working with young people who sexually
abuse: New pieces of the jigsaw puzzle (pp. 50-58). Dorset, England: Russell
House Publishing.
Jessor, R., Van Den Bos, J., Vanderryn, J., Costa, F. M.,
& Turbin, M. S. (1995).Protective factors in adolescent problem behavior:
Moderator effects and developmental change. Developmental Psychology, 31,
P. (2003). Understanding juvenile sexual offenders: Assessment, treatment,
and rehabilitation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
P. (2009). Juvenile sexual offenders: A comprehensive guide to risk
evaluation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
P. (2011). Understanding juvenile sexual offenders: Assessment, treatment,
and rehabilitation (2nd. ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Rutter, M. (2003). Crucial paths from risk to causal
mechanisms. In B. B. Lahey, T. E. Moffitt, & A. Caspi (Eds.) Causes of
conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency (pp. 3-24): Guilford Press.
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