Child sexual abuse is a difficult
issue to discuss at the best of times. The conversation around child sexual
abuse is more challenging when we move from a stereotypical offender-victim
paradigm (i.e., white male perpetrators and young white female victims) to non-traditional
offender-victim paradigm (e.g., learning disabled offenders, minority offenders
and/or female offenders). The main issue
is that the conversation surrounding the non-traditional offender-victim paradigm
can become conflated with issues of political correctness, potential racism, potential
sexism and discrimination. I am not saying that these concerns are not real or important,
but rather they should not be used as a roadblock for avoiding difficult sexual
abuse questions, as has seemed to be the case in the recent child sexual abuse
scandal in Rochdale, England. Child sexual abuse is a wide and varied field and,
as such, it is important to recognize that anyone can be a sexual abuser and/or
a victim.
On Tuesday 26th August
2014 Professor Jay released her independent
enquiry into the sexual abuse of children by members of the Asian community
in Rotherham, England, between 1997 and 2013. The independent enquiry was
called for by Rotherham city council (BBC) and suggests that (at a conservative
estimate) 1,400 child victims were violently and systematically abused over a
period of at least 15 years by organised “gangs” of Asian male perpetrators in
the Rochdale area. In the report Professor Jay highlights a number of systematic
failings made within and across a range of public services (i.e., social
services, child services, the police and local government) which enabled the
abuse to continue. The main failing appears to be an inability to respond appropriately
to the role of minority groups in the perpetration of child sexual abuse. Professor
Jay highlighted in the report (as well
as in her
press release) that “Several staff
described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of
perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear
direction from their managers not to do so” (Jay, 2014; 2).In the subsequent media coverage
that has emerged over the last couple of days, since the publication of the
report, it has become evident that the race and minority status of the
perpetrators played an important role in Rotherham city council’s reaction to
the reports and prosecution of the sexual abuse (i.e., that victims were not
listened to, stories where downplayed and opportunities to investigate/follow
up where missed) (BBC News,
The Rotherham case is not the only large scale case to come to light in the UK
over the last couple of years involving the preparation of child sexual abuse within
and by minority communities, with recent cases in Oxford,
Derby, Rochdale & Peterbough (BBC). This is not to say that
minority communities are more, or less, likely to commit child sexual abuse anymore
than non-minority communities; rather we are starting to learn more about abuse
that exists within these communities.
Minority communities can often be
classed as “hard to reach” communities in respect to sexual issues (including
sexual health and sexual abuse) because of perceived beliefs, culture, social
structure, and approaches in discussing sexual matters (Cowburn, Gill &
Harrison, 2014; ESRC
online debate 2 - Access to and the impact of sex offender disclosure on
minority groups). This means that traditional/mainstream approaches to
policing, public engagement and education around sexual abuse may not work as
well with these communities. Hence, we need to talk with different “publics”
about sexual abuse in different ways (McCartan, 2013). In this case, talking to a minority community
will not be the same as talking to a mainstream “white” community, the same way
that talking to a working class community might not be the same as talking to a
middle class one (ESRC
Online discussion 1: Public understandings of sexual abuse and sexual abusers; Leverhulme
Online discussion 1: Sexual abuse as a Public Health Issue). This means that prevention, ideally, shoule be
multifaceted and tailored to the communities at hand. A one-size-fits-all
model can present both ethical and logistical dilemmas.
When the mainstream engages with
minority communities in conversations about sexual violence and prevention this
needs a two-track approach: respecting their cultural beliefs and own ways
of engaging on the topic, while simultaneously conveying the broader social and
cultural approach in a way that they can engage with. One of the best ways of
doing this is through the use of community “stakeholders”; people from the
community who are invested in the community (Kemshall, 2012; NIACRO
Base 2), and therefore accepted by them, and willing to work with the
mainstream in developing a coherent, achievable approach to sexual abuse.
The development of a systematic,
far reaching, and in-depth approach to sexual violence is challenging, and, to
do it properly, means that we have to be willing to have the uncomfortable
conversations as well as the easy ones. As a society we need to recognise that
sexual abuse can be perpetrated by anyone regardless of education, economic
means, or community status ., We should not avoid confronting uncomfortable sexual abuse
claims because it may be challenging or politically difficult. We should pursue
every claim of sexual abuse with the same rigour, customize prevention efforts
to respect cultures and demographics, and only then will all of society truly
understand the reality and pervasiveness of sexual abuse.
Kieran McCartan, PhD
Cowburn, M., Gill,
A. K., & Harrison, K. (2014). Speaking about sexual abuse in British South
Asian communities: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and
reintegration. Journal of Sexual
Aggression. iFirst –
Kemshall, (2012) Public sector and voluntary responses: dealing with
sex offenders. In: J. Brown and S. Walklate (eds.) Handbook on Sexual
Violence. London: Routledge
McCartan, K. (2013) From a lack
of engagement and mistrust to partnership? Public attitudes to the disclosure
of sex offender information. International Journal of Police
Science and Management, 13 (3), pp. 219-236.